#66: Dealing with Relapses
It’s show time! Here we go - Season #6 of Redemptive Living Radio is HERE.
On this first episode of the season, we are talking about relapses. I realize this can be a super tender topic on all fronts.
Here are some of the questions we answer:
1 - What is a relapse? - In some ways, a relapse is VERY clear and in some instances, it can seem a bit arbitrary. I think what is key is to look at the primary, secondary and tertiary markers / threats - see episode #23 - Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Markers in Recovery - and allow that to guide you when it comes to what is a relapse and what is not a relapse. (Bonus - if you haven’t subscribed to the podcast freebies - please do! There is a link in the show notes of episode #23 as well as below.) There are nuances for each of us, so we do have to take this on a case by case basis.
2 - What is the difference between a relapse and a slip? And is this important? - quick answer is - this is NOT important.
2 - Should we expect a relapse? - please no.
3 - What are men initially working on in order to prevent relapses? - Jason talks about a three-legged stool to include radical honesty, emotional intimacy and accountability as the key things initially initially (it’s more than this but just to deduce it down as much as possible) he is working on to help not only avoid relapses but to also move forward in recovery.
4 - How can we leverage relapses to be apart of good recovery work versus apart of the addiction? - Jason talks about focusing on radical honesty, character work, emotional intimacy work, shame work, sitting in pain and more.
5 - What if he continues to relapse? - It’s important to consider some other things that might be going on / might be helpful if relapses continue. We would be remiss if we didn’t address this before signing off.
I love Jason’s encouragement at the end: let’s grow from relapses and not just accept them as apart of the process.
We are so glad YOU are here, thanks for joining us for Season #6!
Henry Ford quote pertaining to our attitude with success and failure: "whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”
Make sure you download the Podcast Freebies! You can do that here. You will find the Threats Assessment as well as the Bow-Tie Diagram + Video.
There are two spots left in the Empowered Boundary Class - starting January 25th. I would LOVE for you to join me. Click here for more details + to register.
For more information on RL Academy, click here.
Would love to connect with you on Instagram - @shelley_martinkus.
We offer 1:1 coaching, couples recovery coaching, support groups, MasterClasses and on-line courses - check out our websites: redemptiveliving.com and rlforwomen.com for the full scoop!
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