#64: NOT Going Back to the Way it Was
This week on RL Radio - NOT going back to the way it was
This is the final episode of Season #5. We had a hard time putting a pin in this Season - we had so much fun laughing with each other (and hopefully with you guys as you listened in). I also realize that we bring out the tears in a lot of our listeners, so for that - well, I’m grateful that you were able to grieve and connect and know that we love you all!
I wanted us to loop back to Episode #60 where Jason talked about the rubric for living out recovery in life. (Which, btw, for any of you that read this - would you like for us to make a graphic of that rubric?! if so, please email me, subject line podcast and let me know!)
We re-listened to parts of Episode #60 before recording this episode and Jason mentioned in that episode that some men want to do life the way they have always done it, minus the acting out. I see this as a huge issue with the clients I work with - this temptation to just go back to the way it was (for him) once he has stopped acting out. So Jason talked through a Rubric that can be used to live life from a recovery mindset. At the end of the episode, one of the questions I had for Jason was: what makes him even *want* to go back to life as it was? We didn’t have time to dig into that question on episode #60 so here we are - digging into it now. You’re welcome.
Jason shares a handful of reasons men want to go back to life as it was before (and I added in one at the end) - what would you add to this list?
Fear of wholesale change / Identity shifts.
Being “comfortably numb”.
Religion / Faith
Being the center of the universe (as the addict) and the desire to go back to that.
Arrogance and pride.
Shame (including both appropriate biblical shame or toxic shame)
I love at the end when Jason said that too many people think recovery is going to meetings. When actually recovery is actually #1 - sanctification and #2 - life work. Boom.
We are so glad YOU are here, thanks for joining us!
You can listen to Episode #60 - A Rubric for Living Out Recovery In Life here
Jason refers to Pink Floyd and Comfortably Numb - he says they are great theologians - I wanted to ask him what in the world he meant by that - but I decided not to, we will save that for next season.
I was mistaken, when I referred to Deuteronomy for the four connectors (mind, heart, body and soul) - I was actually referring to Luke 10:27.
Jason refers to the story of Jesus and the invalid in John 5:1-14. I misunderstood Jason during the recording - I thought he was saying that this story DID occur in the Bible. As I was working on the show notes, I couldn’t find that story (oh my.). So I clarified with Jason - he is saying that there are some men that are prideful and arrogant and would say to Jesus - “I ain’t sick man, I don’t know what you are talking about.” I’m such a #bibletoddler.
Would love for you join me and my team at the next Retreat. Applications are LIVE but will be closing soon - click here to access the application. And if you are reading this much later, I would love for you to join the wait list which simply means you will get early notification to apply to the next retreat.
For more information on RL Academy, click here.
Would love to connect with you on Instagram - @shelley_martinkus.
We offer 1:1 coaching, couples recovery coaching, support groups, MasterClasses and on-line courses - check out our websites: redemptiveliving.com and rlforwomen.com for the full scoop!
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#64: NOT Going Back to the Way it Was