#61: Holding Her in High Esteem
This week on RL Radio - Holding Her in High Esteem
How can he hold her in high esteem? Being able to do this is - per Jason, a "quick win" and something guys can start doing today to make a difference in the coupleship and in their recovery. Typically, because of the pain he is experiencing, he will disparage her (to offset the pain). To do this - he needs to focus initially on his own heart and mind - and if he is focusing on her flaws, highlighting her hurts, and bemoaning her brokenness - he is hurting himself and hurting her.
Jason gives two strategies to help move toward holding her in high esteem:
Where is the Focus? Cross-checking his internal posture toward her as well as how he is presenting her to others.
What is the Fix? If the remedy to his pain is HER changing, this will damage the process. Be listening for what you (he) thinks the fix is.
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