Maggie Cruise
1:1 Coach
When Maggie discovered years of her husband’s sexual integrity issues and dishonesty, she was struck with fear, anxiety and abandonment. Life felt very isolating and hopeless post-discovery. However, her story of abandonment didn’t begin with her husband. It began in childhood. Maggie decided that regardless of what her husband chose to do, she was worthy of healing from it all. Once she was finally willing to seek help for her own recovery, God began to transform, heal and set her free from the lies, shame, anger and powerlessness that had controlled her most of her life. The process was slow but life-giving. She learned how to surrender to God, set boundaries, and become compassionate toward the hurting parts of herself.
Today, Maggie is grateful for the help of many women at Redemptive Living who have come alongside her on the journey of healing and wholeness. The group community, 1:1 coaching and outside trauma therapy have changed the trajectory of Maggie’s life by radically transforming her connection with Jesus, herself, her husband and kids, and others. Maggie’s deep passion is fostering transformation, healing and freedom in women who are also experiencing betrayal trauma.
Maggie lives in Gig Harbor, WA with her husband and three kids. Originally from the Midwest, she has grown to love the beauty and splendor of the Pacific NW. The long seasons of darkness always change into an abundance of beauty when Spring comes again - very similar to living out the seasons of a life committed to recovery.